Written Conceptions of the
Mature Adult Human Being
The following statements
represent one kind of data Clare Graves gathered from his own
students as research subjects. Their task, after a semester-long
course in psychology, was to generate a position paper describing
"the mature adult human being." These particular
conceptions were among Graves’ favorites and he often read from
them during seminars. It was his view that they illustrate several
of the developmental levels quite clearly and sound relatively pure
tones for both nodal levels and transition phases between.
Using his original letter-pair
designations, these examples are from the CP/bo through nodal FS
levels of existence. In color language, they are from Entering RED
through Peak GREEN. As you read the conceptions, you will observe
that the themes change first in a progressively quantitative
fashion until, following a regressive movement, a qualitatively
different way of thinking about maturity emerges.
As you read the conceptions of
transitional states (mixes between nodal levels), observe the
pattern of (1) a rushing entrance, (2) a moment of calm, then (3) a
rigidified, reluctant exit as (4) the next more complex level