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Presentations and publications by Dr. Clare W. Graves


1959 - "An Emergent Theory of Ethical Behavior Based upon an Epigenetic Model" 
                                                                           (from the Collection of William R. Lee)

1960's - Excerpts from papers and tables illustrating Dr. Graves' thinking about the theory at
               that time.                                               (from the Collection of William R. Lee)

1961 - "On the Theory of Ethical Behavior," paper sponsored by the Religious Education
            Committee of the First Unitarian Society, Schenectady, NY 
             "The most significant comment on man’s present predicament I have heard in many 
                                        -- William Gold, minister The First Unitarian Society
(from the Collection of William R. Lee)

1962 - "The Implications to Management of Systems-Ethical Theory," November 11, 1962
                                                                           (from the Collection of William R. Lee)

1964-65 - "Levels of Human Existence and Their Relation to Value Analysis and 
                  Engineering," paper presented to the Fifth Annual Value Analysis Conference

1965 - "Value Systems and their Relation to Managerial Controls and Organizational Viability,"
              presentation to the College of Management Philosophy, The Institute of Management
              Sciences, Jack Tar Hotel, San Francisco, California, February 3, 1965

1965 - "Personality Structure and Perceptual Readiness: An Investigation of their Relationship to
             Hypothesized Levels of Human Existence," Clare W. Graves, W. C. Huntley, Douglas
             LaBier, Union College. (A tachistoscopic study by Douglas LaBier used by Graves in
             validation of his point of view.) 

1965 - "Man: An Enlarged Conception of His Nature," paper presented at the 2nd Annual
             Conference on the Cybercultural Revolution, New York, 1965.

1970 - "The Congruent Management Strategy," Clare W. Graves, Helen T. Madden, Lynn P.
              Madden. An industrial report laying our a new philosophy for managing.

1970 -  "The Levels of Human Existence and their Relation to Welfare Problems," paper delivered
               May 6, 1970, at the Annual Conference, Virginia State Department of Welfare and
               Distribution, Roanoke, Virginia

1970 - "Levels of Existence: An Open System Theory of Values." Journal of Humanistic
Fall, 1970. Vol. 10 No.2., pp. 131-155. (Available in print only. See 1971,
             "Seminar on Levels...", below.)

1971 "Seminar on Levels of Human Existence" presented at the Washington School of
             Psychiatry, Washington, D.C., October 16, 1971. Available as the book, Clare W.
             Graves: Levels of Human Existence
by William R. Lee, Chris Cowan, and Natasha
             Todorovic. Includes a reprint of the 1970 Journal of Humanistic Psychology article,
             "Levels of Existence: An Open Systems Theory of Values," which is not available in
              electronic form. Order at
Store tab

1971 -  "Levels of Existence Related to Learning Systems," Paper read at the Ninth Annual
             Conference of the National Society for Programmed Instruction, Rochester, New York,
             March 31, 1971

1971 - "How Should Who Lead Whom to do What?"  Presentation at the 1971-1972 YMCA
             Management Forum

1973 - "Let Us Bring Humanistic and General Psychology Together: A Research Project Needing
             to Become." Presentation at the NIMH, Washington, D.C.

1974 - "Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap" The Futurist, April, 1974, pp. 72-87.

1977 - The Never Ending Quest: Dr. Clare W. Graves on Human Nature, manuscript of book
             project stopped by poor health. Reconstruction published 2005.

1981 - "Summary Statement: The Emergent, Cyclical, Double-Helix Model Of The Adult Human
            Biopsychosocial Systems" (Handout prepared by Chris Cowan for Dr. Gaves's
            presentation in Boston, Mass., May 20, 1981)  

1982 - Unpublished Seminar Handout  (Used by Dr. Graves in his presentations sponsored by 
            The National Values Center; prepared by Chris Cowan)

For additional references from Dr. Graves' work, go to the bibliography in Source section

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