
meaning and message of Clare Graves' work has been passed
through many filters over the years. This page allows his
ideas, written and verbal, to be shared so Dr. Graves can
explain his Emergent Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory to
you in his own words.
Never Ending Quest
book which Clare W. Grave was working on
when his health failed and he was forced to curtail
writing. We are making the chapters he had completed on
the theory, his research, verification, and implications
available for study. In addition, the editors (Christopher Cowan and
Natasha Todorovic) have reconstructed the missing middle
section covering details of the levels of existence
from Dr. Graves's other writings and from audio recordings of
him discussing the work in presentations and seminars.
Clare W. Graves: Levels of Human Existence
... a new transcription of recorded notes by William R. Lee from
Dr. Graves's presentation at the Washington School of
Psychiatry, 1971, with handout materials, diagrams, and
data summary. Also, an authorized reprint of the classic
1970 Journal of Humanistic Psychology article, "Levels of Existence: An
Open Systems Theory of Values" (not available
here to order online
information on other reprints and materials,
email orders@clarewgraves.com
contact NVC Consulting
Ph. 805.962.0366 or FAX 805.962.0306
PO Box 40110, Santa Barbara CA 93140
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