
of Human Existence is a new and developing conception of how man
behaves. It developed in order to explain some recent research
findings which have not meshed well with earlier explanations of
the behavior of man. It proposes that mature psychological man
varies on more than a quantitative scale over the mature years of
his biological life.
The Levels of Existence
conception of man’s nature proposes that the human mind cannot
be likened to a computer. It asserts that the mind of the mature
biological organism is not a system in which the data processing
aspects change only quantitatively with time. It does not see the
mind as a system in which the changes that occur are changes in
complexity of programming. The conception asserts that if one is
to view the mind through a computer analogy, it must be viewed as
a computer that changes it’s programming in a regular and
orderly way, as well as a computer that changes and re-orders the
data in its memory bank. Within this conception of how man
behaves, we see him continuously destined to metamorphize a new
form, a new quality, a new shape, if and when the conditions of
his existence change. And these changes in his psychology are seen
to be of an ordered, hierarchial nature. Like the moth to the
larvae to the egg, each new psychological form of mind is
contiguous with the old stage but is qualitatively different from
what existed before. Thus, the biologically mature human organism
is seen as a psychological person in transit from a beginning
point, the lowest level of behavioral organization of homo sapiens
to some unknown destination. A psychological person who, if the
conditions of his existence are right, will move through a
hierarchially ordered series of systems to some equifinal end, or
will travel infinitely on, infinitely showing newly emergent
behavioral manifestations. Limited research to date suggests we
can now delineate some nine of these Levels of Existence, nine
levels of hierarchially ordered change from which we can determine
where a person, a society, a culture, an organization is and from
which we can see where each would move next if proper conditions
came to be. These nine systems are designated in turn as the
Animalistic Existence, the Animistic Existence, the Frightened
Existence, the Energetic Existence, the Sociocentric Existence,
the Personalistic Existence, the Seeking Existence, the
Comprehending Existence, and the Appreciating Existence.
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