Therefore, today I would like to share with you
some thoughts about values and their relation to the viability of
organizations. These thoughts stem from an enlarged conception of
man’s nature and an existential conception of the source of his
values. They will present for your consideration a hypothesized
relationship between values, managerial controls, response of the
managed to such controls and the effect on organizational health
of these interrelationships. Let me illustrate my thinking by
rephrasing Haire’s words.
If I were to rephrase Haire’s thoughts within
the point of view to follow, I would say:
A business cannot operate viably
independent of the values of the people imbedded in it.
Business to be viable must be managed such that its managerial
practices are congruent with the values of the people
who must implement through actions the goals of the
organization. The answers to questions like, "How hard
should a man work? How much can we expect a man to invest in
his job? What kind of punishments can a company use to direct
behavior?" can be found predominantly within the firm.
They depend on what managerial control system is dictated by
the values of management and on how congruent this chosen
control system is with the values of those in the firm who are
managed. If managerial decisions, which stem from the values
of managers, are out of harmony with the values of the managed
the company may find itself at a competitive disadvantage
because other managers who use controls congruent with the
values of those whom they manage will tap reserves of human
energy which simply are not available otherwise. In
competitive terms, then, a sensitivity of managerial policy
makers to the nature of values existing in themselves and in
the managed is essential. To a considerable degree, the very
effectiveness of management depends on the congruency of
managerial values with the employee’s values.
Note the five major things implied in the
rephrased words of Haire.
- There are several value systems in most societies rather
than something we can call societal values.
- To the degree that values play a role in organizational
health, it is congruency of values, which is the factor
determining organizational health, not similarity of values.
Similar value system may or not be congruent and likewise
dissimilar value systems can fit or they can clash.
- The answer to value questions such as what one ought or
ought not to do at work lies predominantly within the
organization and not in the relation of organizational values
to societal values.
- The value system of managers determines many decisions
management will make and the value system of employees
determines to a considerable degree what reaction will be made
to managerial decisions.
- Managers of unhealthy organizations might well ask
themselves, "How much of this organization’s trouble
arises from a clash of managerial values with employee values?
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