your questions or offer answers at:
I have also been studying TRIZ, the "Theory of Inventive
Problem Solving" developed by G. Atlshuller who lived in the
Soviet Union (and died in 1998). One of the post powerful tools of
TRIZ is the Theory of Technological Evolution. With it, you can
predict the next stages of technological development. I believe
that the Spiral Dynamics model comes closest to a "theory of
social evolution" which I would love to work on. Do you know
if anyone is working on the Graves Model and problem solving
systems like TRIZ?
I am concluding some research into the impact of downsizing and
have used the 'map' as a framework to examine management response
to this. Are there any papers on the topic from a Gravesian
perspective? If so I would be interested in the references and the
general area of study and if possible where copies of such
literature might be obtained. Thank you for any assistance you
might be able to offer.