4. Authoritarianism

The F Scale from Adorno, T. W., Frenkel-Brunswik, Else, Levinson, D. J., and Sanford, R. N., 1950. The Authoritarian Personality. New York: Harper.

Authoritarianism Rankings (F Scale)

 Dr. Graves

 Dr. Harvey (p. 49, 1966)

 7 - 1

 4 - 1

 6 - 3

 3 - 3

 5 - 2

 2 - 2

 4 - 4

 1 - 4

In the Graves: Levels of Existence book (Santa Barbara: ECLET Publishing 2003), the Graves data is reported in this order: 4 - 4; 5 - 3; 6 - 2; 7 - 1. This leaves open the question whether authoritarianism is linear or wave-like.


5. Dogmatism

Rokeach Dogmatism Scale from Rokeach, Milton. The Open and Closed Mind - Investigations into the nature of belief systems and personality systems, 1960

 Dogmatism Rankings (Rokeach Dogmatism Scale, 1960)

 Dr. Graves

 Dr. Harvey (p. 49, 1966)

 7 - 1

 4 - 1

 6 - 2

 3 - 2

 5 - 3

 2 - 3

 4- 4

 1 - 4


6. Right Opinionation

Rokeach, M. The Open and Closed Mind. - 1960

 Right Opinionation Rankings (Rokeach - 1960)

 Dr. Graves

 Dr. Harvey (p. 50, 1966)

 7 - 2 (Sign. < 4)

 4 - like 2

 6 - 3

 3 - unlike 2 - 4

 5 - 1 (Sign. < 4)

 2 - like 4

 4- 4 (Sign. > 5 - 7)

 1 - 4


7. Left Opinionation

Rokeach, M. The Open and Closed Mind. -1960

 Left Opinionation Rankings (Rokeach - 1960)

 Dr. Graves

 Dr. Harvey (p. 50, 1966)

 7 - 1.5

 4 - like 3

 6 - 2

 3 - like 4

 5 - 1.5 (Sign. > 6)

 2 - 4

 4- 1 (Sign. < 5)

 1 - 1



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