
From my studies I have assumed that
ethical behavior is a growth phenomenon. Therefore, as such it
develops through definable but overlapping stages by an orderly
progression from a less complex to a more complex stage. I have
assumed, also, that like any other growth phenomenon there is no
assurance, once growth starts, that subsequent stages will emerge.
Ethical behavior may be, therefore, like a seed. It could develop
through its whole life cycle passing through each describable
stage, or like the seed, ethical growth could become stunted,
could regress, and could even reorganize and take on a form not
usually of its nature.
Another assumption is that just as the seed must have certain
living circumstances to fully flower so to is man’s ethical
behavior determined to a considerable extent by the life
circumstances in which the human develops.
Finally, I have assumed that there is something of an ethical
nature inherent in man, which is triggered into operation as one
or another ethical system in one or another form, by certain life
circumstances. These assumptions led to the following hypotheses
about ethical behavior.
- That the ethical system of a man or a group of men, living
in certain definable life circumstances is a function of the
dynamic systems operant in that man or that group of men.
- That the system of ethical behavior by which a man or a
group of men lives changes in an orderly determined manner
consonant with changes in dynamics triggered by changes in
life circumstances.
- That there emerges an ethical thema of what is right and
wrong in behavior appropriate to each level of dynamic
- That within each thema certain specific values of right
and wrong will be expressed, with one man or one group of
men emphasizing one or some of the values within a thema
while another man or group of men may accentuate some other
value within the thema.
- That there is a natural driveness in man to proceed from a
lower to a higher level dynamic system and thus a
concomitant natural driveness to move from a lower, more
humanly restricting, conception of right and wrong to a
higher, more humanly freeing conception of right and wrong.
- That as man moves from a lower to a higher level of
ethical behavior, some values by which man judges right and
wrong are discarded as no longer appropriate to his changed
status in life. Also, as a part of this point, that some of
the values of previous ethical systems are retained intact,
that some values are modified and that some new, not
previously existing conceptions of right and wrong emerge at
each subsequent dynamic system emerges.
- That the ethical systems by which men live may progress,
fixate at an over or underdeveloped condition, or may, if
dynamic conditions are proper, regress.
- That lower level dynamic systems produce a more rigid
ethical system and thereby make it impossible for those
living by lower level ethics to comprehend the meaning of
living by the principles of ethical systems higher in the
- That the normal picture of ethical development is to
proceed from a narrow restricting thema of right and wrong
related to a narrow dynamic system to a broader conception
of right and wrong which emerges concomitantly with an
enlarged dynamic system.
- That the particular character of the general level of
cognitive awareness within a dynamic system (diminished or
accepted awareness of a particular percept) may be such as
to produce an ethical monstrum in defectu or an ethical
monstrum in excessu. That is, if man’s living
circumstances are of a certain character, and his cognitive
awareness at a particular dynamic level, distorted so as to
under or over accentuate some aspect of that awareness, then
the appropriate ethical system may fail to develop
adequately or the ethical system may become a monstrous over
development of the thema and of some values which
concomitantly vary with that particular psychological
dynamic system.
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