Dr. Graves'

THE SIXTH SUBSISTENCE LEVEL - The F-S or Relativistic Existential State

Theme: Sacrifice now in order to get acceptance now.

This level arises when the human's struggle for individuality is solved but does not bring the happiness expected because it has created the problem of interpersonal acceptance. The struggle for individuality, through expression of self and outer material existence, seems solved, but it has left one alone in the world. This creates the F problems, the problems of coming to peace with aloneness, with one's inner self and with others. These problems increase markedly the activation of the right side of the brain, the equipment for subjective, non-linear thinking.

Thinks in terms of one's own and others' individualities, in terms of others also being individuals in their own rights, havein their own, just as good, views of the world. Thus, shows a greater degree of affective warmtn and a greater ability to extend it to full appreciation of the individuality of the other person. Turns excessively to the exploration of the inner self and others and focuses on relationships as a central aspect of living. The way people relate to others looms high in their consciousness.

Thinks in terms of goals which relate to all human kind, rather than just to self; in terms of living by what is unique for thee.

This system sees the world relativistically. Thinking shows an almost radical, almost compulsive emphasis on seeing everything from a relativistic, subjective frame of reference. Thus, shows growth in placing self at a distance when reflecting on,one's own actions.

Appears to effect a deliberate inarticulation and disdain for precise language. Expresses a need to be "more connected'' and feels alienated when others do not share his/her unique personal delights.

Talks earnestly about community, intimacy, involvement, shared experience, but behaviorally shows an inability to commit self to others. Rigidly against uniformity and homogenization, but follows the crowds' or peers' lead or pressure. Objects strongly to authorities' lead or pressure. Spawns a participative form of management.

First appeared about 80-90 years ago.

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