From the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
William R. Lee                                                            - presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes -                                                             February 2002
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence, Washington School of Psychiatry, October, 1971


            So we get all mixed up when we talk about the Generation Gap. We’ve got five of them and if you talk about the revolution of consciousness III – that is only part of the picture. And here it depends upon what part of the society you’re looking at, which revolution you are dealing with.


Question  How do you relate this to the present administration?


Dr. Graves   Nearly all people I find interested are in consciousness, and please don’t misunderstand me here because some of you might be, are people who have lost their way from an E-R to an F-S transition. Now this gets a little tough. My students just play hell with me when I brought this up . . . oh, they got so angry with me. But you go back to the data . . . and you are going to find something interesting. You are going to find that the F-S system is as authoritarian as hell.


            Now, if you don’t think the F-S system is authoritarian you should attend the American Association for Humanistic Psychology meetings. I’m just the ornery kind of person who just had to test this sort of thing out. I didn’t come this year because I didn’t feel as ornery as last year when I tested it at Miami . I went to this meeting of so-called free souls coming in for this kind of deeper experience and that kind of deeper experience. They came into a room like this room . . . just a floor with shoes over here. Nasty little creature that I am, I walk in and take a look at it and go out to get a chair. I bring it back in and sit down. “You don’t want to sit on that chair”, they said. I told them, “I wouldn’t have brought it in here if I didn’t want to.” They said, “You don’t want to be different?” I said, “I don’t care.” They said, “Take off your shoes and be like the rest of us.” Again, I said, “I don’t care to.” They replied, “What are your doing here?” They push you and push and push you. A week ago I was down this way. A gentlemen and I walked out of the afternoon meeting. I was loaded down with heavy suitcases and he was too. We were staying at the top of a hill. We turned to get the car and drive up here and they said to us, “We don’t ride this distance because everyone here walks.” Well, we don’t want to walk. You must do what everyone else does or you upset them. This person in the F-S system appears to be an extreme. It’s a free system on the surface but when it comes to the person who is the non-conformist that is the place where you go beyond belief. It is extremely hard to take. So a great deal of that revolution is of this kind. When I told my students who were operating in this system that they were almost as authoritarian as their highly authoritarian, parents they were pretty unhappy. 


Question:    In this story about sin, in my childhood, I had contact with religious people. Even then and especially later . . . there was so much difference in the people who shared identical beliefs, people who literally believe God is watching every sparrow, ever deer, is there every moment. And one must be a good person who can – in a childlike position – be a good boy to get the reward and go to heaven and another person who is in a quite different orientation – which I would think of in terms of integrity, communion or something up toward the H-U level and yet . . . they share identical beliefs.


Dr. Graves:   Identical beliefs in God? No, they don’t. Many people believe in God. My question is:  What’s God? Let’s take the E-R and the D-Q? Many people believe in the concept of justice but God was the original cause. In some E-R thinking God laid down the laws of the universe and now he has left it to man to find out what they are, to learn from them and use them. He just started it. He just pushed the button.


With the D-Q, God laid it down and he controls the button and he pushes the button all day. Now, this is a tremendous difference in the belief as to what God is. What is God in the C-P system. God is a conquering name, an all powerful being who is able to take this world in hand and twist it and make it do what he wants it to do. A person in the C-P system, if you remember back in your liberal arts education, a person in the C-P system conceives of becoming a God as in mythology. He wants to become one. He wants to get into the position of being able to control. So he can hear the belief in God, but the question is how does he believe about God? Not, does he believe or not believe but . . . how does he believe?


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