From the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
William R. Lee                                                            - presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes -                                                             February 2002
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence, Washington School of Psychiatry, October, 1971


Question  What does the H-U say about marriage?


Dr. Graves   Unfortunately . . . I have not, at this time, had sufficiently available to me the numbers necessary to come by that kind of information. I just have to wait till I can get more H-U data.


Question  Do you have any indications?


Dr. Graves:    I don’t have any indications at this time and I’ve have learned not to say anything! There is something new in each system . . . and I’ll wait and see.


Question:    Some of what you said touches on . . .Wee,  you spoke about some of the youths who think they are revolutionaries but may not be. What about the revolution? Marx, Jesus – the current revolution in America . . . and you said . . . related to the various revolutions. A lot of people here might want to see what these are and how they might relate to the way in which we are trying to deal with it. Would you elaborate on that?


Dr. Graves:   We have about 5 basic revolutions occurring in our society today. You have your B-O/C-P revolution taking place. In many it is shown in the extreme militancy, highly selfish, destructive, brutally aggressive militancy that is being shown.


            Then you have the revolution, which is taking place where this kind of highly selfish, egocentric aggressive behavior is changing into the new and modern form of Puritanism which is called Black Muslinism – the black muslin is just a modern version of the puritan just as puritanical as the puritans ever were. This revolution is taking place in the movement of C-P to D-Q. We see it very well evidenced in the rather magnificent work that the black muslin group did in Attica prison during the uprising. If you knew the history of those cats that were in the controlling group there, the black muslin leaders who kept the calm, so to speak, on that situation inside, you soon would recognize that they had been behaving in this C-P system prior to that.


            Then you have this revolution that is taking place that is shown in so many who are simply throwing off middle class values – D-Q to E-R.  These middle class values, I’m talking about, are the values of punctuality, hard work, cleanliness and that sort of thing. You have a great deal of this. I have a very substantial number of them in the throbs of this in college at this very time.


            Then you have the revolution, which is taking place in which they are throwing off the values of the affluent way of life and going from the E-R into the F-S system. They are casting aside materialism and trying to escape into love. This is the love revolution – flower revolution.


            Then you have the revolution that is taking place where people are beginning to say that the one thing that really has to go in our society is majority rule because the evidence has now well accumulated that the majority is always wrong . . . and that you have to begin to get away from the idea of equality. It is the revolution against equality in a movement from F-S to G-T that says there isn’t any evidence in all of science that any two persons were ever born equal and you’d start getting with it and work on problems within that point of view.


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