From the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
William R. Lee                                                            - presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes -                                                             February 2002
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence, Washington School of Psychiatry, October, 1971


{(1) A Comparison of the Spiral Dynamics Map with Other Maps, William R. Lee,  July, 1999 – and –  (2)  Graves ’ Research Compared With 25 Other Theories/Models}

            I have data on child rearing. That is, if you ask the question: how could I take a child and rear him in such a manner as to have him emerge in adulthood thinking that the D-Q way of life is the right and proper way of life? You could shunt the child into this system of behavior if you know the principles of child rearing that produce it. 


{Figure 6: Development from Childhood to Adulthood as a Function of the Way the Child is Reared.}


             I have information on . . . if you have a group of 7th grade kids, for example, and you examine and find in there that you have kids who are operating at the C-P level and you’ve got kids who are operating at the D-Q and you’ve got kids who are operating at the E-R levels . . . and the question is – how best can they learn? How do you actually go about the task of organizing the classroom so that those children can learn and have in the course of their learning an optimizing of their chance of moving up the existential staircase, up the levels of existence?


Question:   Where have you done this work?


Dr. Graves:    In the Shalmont school system. I haven’t written anything on it yet. A former student of mine that I’ve already mentioned, David Hunt, has done a great deal of work along this line. And a colleague of mine, who I’ve worked with considerably, was very interested in this field. He got the systems point of view on his own and again his version is truncated. He is part of that Harvey-Hunt-Schroder group . . . O. J. Harvey out of the University of Colorado and he’s done a lot of work along this line. And he and I shared a lot back and forth.


            Now . . . these are some of the things that I’m involved with. In this business of therapy, the reinterpretation of psychopathology. For example, what kinds of symptoms appear in what kinds of systems and what is the meaning of the kind of symptoms that appear in a particular kind of system?


            Let me illustrate. If a person is in a transition from a D-Q to an E-R system and he gets a conversion disorder, what kind of a conversion disorder does he get . . . and what does this conversion disorder mean within my systems? I find that people who choose the conversion disorder as a means of a resolution of a conflict they are in when they are in this transition are always getting a debilitating kind of conversion disorder. That is . . . they don’t get a tic, or a little conversion of that sort, a head jerking tic. They will get a blindness. They will get a paralysis. The thing that is interesting about it is that they get the debilitating kind of conversion disorder but in their life style they always carry on in the misery of it all . . . and they notoriously continue to try to struggle on . . . and they do. I find, for example, that the C-P system and the E-R system both are what you would call in other psychologies – acting out systems. You get a very different kind of pathology arising out of those systems than you get arising out of the others.


            Suicide, the data says, is rather an odd one. Suicide his highest in the F-S system and coming to understand that this is an interesting thing. The data says that homicide as a behavior of man disappears as the transition is made into the F-S system. This is a very interesting finding and suggests, that if we could possibly work on the problems of human existence in such a manner as to get the mass of our people beyond the E-R level of existence then we would not have to worry about homicide crime anymore; that this is a phenomenon which will disappear. It is interesting that if that goes . . . you don’t find man without problems because, as I just said, the minute the transition is made into the F-S system, then the probability that if severe frustrations and problems arise in the individual’s life that he’ll take his aggression out upon himself and kill himself . . . is very high. He doesn’t take it out on someone else. I find that in the studying of the thought processes, that if a person again makes the transition from E-R to F-S, that is, only when one begins to make this transition that he really honestly and deep inside himself believes that war is no solution to man’s problems. 


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