From the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
William R. Lee                                                            - presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes -                                                             February 2002
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence, Washington School of Psychiatry, October, 1971

This came out particularly in the peer situation where they were receiving peer criticism. This was a most difficult time for many of the subjects when they had one or two or three of these express self  calculatingly/rationally in the group.


1.   The express self calculatingly/rationally guy would try and take over the show and try to tell the other guy what his conception was and try to run it for him.


2.   He would sit there and watch and actually come out many times and say; “Well, I’m learning how to handle you. I see what your weaknesses are now.” And then he’d begin to work on this guy. He’d just sit there waiting for this other person to show some kind of weakness that would enable him to get an advantage.  


So . . . here is a pretty conflictual set of data.


This conflictual data, however, started to make sense when the change data was combined with the freedom to behavior in a novel situation. Now, if one hypothesized that adult man moved from fewer degrees of freedom to more degrees of behavioral freedom - - - he had dictated to him, the hierarchy, – sacrifice now to get later, – to express self calculatingly/rationally for what the self desires without shame or guilt, – to sacrifice now to get now, - to express self but not at the expense of others, to possibly adjust self to existential realities. But, this was still the germinal stage of an idea. It was necessary to explore further. 

XII. Basic results of peer and authority criticism:


I went on and examined the change data. It was clear that if conceptual changes took place they occurred in the following pattern:


- The deny/sacrifice self for reward later

- changed to

- The express self as self desires calculatingly/rationally without shame or guilt

– which changed to

- The deny/sacrifice self to get acceptance now

– which changed to

- The express self but not at the expense of others.


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