From the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
William R. Lee                                                            - presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes -                                                             February 2002
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence, Washington School of Psychiatry, October, 1971



            Then, in 1959, I got the shock of my life – when this express self but not at the expense of others began to change. This express self but not at the expense of others is very much like Maslow’s self-actualizing man and Rogers ’ fully functioning person and those descriptions. Well . . . low and behold this ”express self” person began to deny that this conception was a healthy human being.


            I had people show up who said that they used-to believe that this (express self but with concern for others/not at the expense of others) was a healthy human being . . . but now they did not believe this to be so. In other words, I had a new conception, a new description of healthy human behavior, a new conception appeared right in the middle of my research.


            And if you think ahead a little bit, this really created a tremendous problem because - the fully functioning person as Rogers ’ states it – this is the healthy person – and as Maslow describes the self-actualizing person – this is the healthy person. In other words – Rogers and Maslow, in essence, along that line, conceived of this healthy human being, as healthy human behavior, as the end, an ultimately achievable state.

{Dr. Graves, following Maslow’s lead of studying healthy human beings, had assumed that Maslow was correct when he developed the hierarchy of needs (in a closed pyramid form) with a final end state being the self-actualized human being. Now, Maslow’s conception of the self-actualized human being and even Rogers ’ conception of the fully functioning human being as the final end state, the “healthiest of human beings”, were called into question.}

            So what are you going to do when your data says that this state which is the healthiest human being is not an end state (an ultimately achievable end state) but is a state that some people begin to cast aside as the healthy human being? This opened up the idea that psychological health is a process and not a state of behavior and that there isn’t any such thing as psychological health. This appears to be an illusion and we have to begin to think along that line if we are going to understand human behavior.


            Now, at this time (early 1960’s), as things changed in the colleges and human beings who were previously deprived of the opportunity to enter into college began to appear in my classes, I started to get a new conception, another one, one that I have not previously gotten. That conception was: Express self impulsively at any cost. One of my students who held this conception started off with; “Doc, the world is a Goddamned jungle and any healthy man knows it. It’s survival of the fittest and he’s a damned fool if he doesn’t know it.” This is the way this conception started out.


            This conception started to appear enough for it to be sorted out by my later judges as a category. We check through the previous years (remember: only 60% of the original conceptions fell into two sub-categories in the beginning) and in the remaining 40% of the conceptions that were originally unclassified – we found scattered examples of this express self impulsively at any cost conception . . . so this became a new category in the classification and I went on to study this new conception.


            When this conception changed . . . low and behold . . . it was the category that changed into 


the deny self for reward later


            - - - the express self impulsively at any cost


– when it changed centrally became - - -


                                              - - - the deny/sacrifice self now for reward later.

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