
An updated transcription of this seminar with additional
illustrations is available in paperback, Clare
W. Graves: Levels of Human Existence. The book also
includes a reprint of the 1970 Journal of Humanistic Psychology
paper, "Levels of Existence: An Open Systems Theory of
the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes-
William R. Lee
February 2002
School of
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence
by Clare
W. Graves
of Psychology
Union College
New York
October 16, 1971
I -
[Pages 2-22 ]
– The Outline for the Research Paper distributed
at the seminar
II - [Pages
23-72] – Reorganized
transcription from audio tapes of
Dr. Graves’ presentation
The use of {brackets} indicates comments,
clarifications, restructuring by William Lee
Graphics on pp. 16-22 may be slow to load...be patient.
remarks by Dr. Joe Smith of the Washington School of Psychiatry) .
. .
I am here to welcome you to the school today and to hear
Dr. Graves. Let me tell you a bit
about Dr. Graves since some of you are not acquainted with his
work . . . although I know that some of you are
Dr. Graves took his PhD. from Western
Reserve in Psychology in 1945 and taught at Western Reserve and Case Institute from 1945 to 1948. During this
period he was in a clinical practice
that included adults, children and criminals. Since 1948 he has
been professor of Psychology at Union College
in Schenectady, New York. He has done a great variety of
consulting with industry, government, educational institutions and
labor organizations. He has published articles in Harvard Business
Review, the Journal of Humanistic Psychology and other journals.
He has been writing a book that is now in the ninth month of
gestation. This book deals with the theory and its application and
should be published in the near future.
Dick Wakefield will chair this afternoon’s meeting. Dick
is with the Center of the Studies of
Metropolitan Problems at NIMH doing research and training on urban
problems. His background includes romance languages, city planning
and operations research in industrial management and at times with
the futuristic lifestyles with the National Committee on Marijuana
and the use of drugs. He has organized and developed the ad hoc
inner agency on futurist research with has representatives from
almost all agencies of the government. {Dick Wakefield is now
Now I thought that we could just briefly identify
ourselves. I should say that this meeting is
in the tradition of the Washington School and according to the
division of Sullivan that this should
be a meeting place for a variety of professionals that are
interested in human problems where a dialogue could take place. We
represent, here this morning, psychiatrists, psychologists,
clergy, people from the Department of Housing and Urban
Development, NIMH, Center for Juvenile Detention, Center for
Positive Action Group, Bureau of Census, High School teaching,
Department of Labor and Manpower Administration, National Center
for Religious Education, St. Elisabeth Hospital and
biologists, - if I’ve left any out we can pick them up in a
minute. We can now take a couple of minutes for each of us to
identify ourselves briefly.
I’m Bill Lee. I’m a high school teacher. I teach
Psychology at Yorktown High School in Arlington, Virginia. I’ve
been with the Graves’ group for about three years or as long as
this group has
been together. {Bill Lee is now retired.}
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