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3.    Maslow, A. H., Motivation and Personality. Harper, 1954.


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9.    Bruner, J. S., and Postman, L., “Emotional Selectivity In Perception and Reaction” Journal of Personality, 1947, 16, 69-77. 


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14.  MacKinnon, Donald W., and William F. Dukes, “Repression” in Postman, Leo, ed., Psychology in the Making. Knopf, 1962.


15.  Rokeach, Milton, The Open And Closed Mind. Basic Books, 1960. 


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17.  Maslow, A. H., Toward a Psychology of Being, Van Nostrand, 1962.


18.  Thorndike, Edward L., and Lorge, Irving, The Teacher’s Word Book of 30,000 Words, Columbia University Press, 1944. 


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