We might ask what is happening to morality in our times? Are we breaking apart at our moral seams? Are we witnesses to the decline of a fine moral structure to which our way of life owes its strength? Is something cancerous occurring in our moral life?

What is happening to morality and to ethical behavior? Something is happening, of this we can be sure, but is this something bad? Is it cancerous? Possibly . . . but possibly not. Perhaps, one’s judgment of today’s behavior is a function of one’s conception if the human organism. And perhaps those who see a moral decline in man have a conception of the human organism which should be questioned.

Innumerable actions are denoted as signs of immorality in our times. The new Attorney General cites the moral weakness of the American-Korean war prisoners. The public and those in authority are appalled by delinquency and by shady practices in television. Legislative committeeman show indignation at racketeering, featherbedding, and slow down in union activity. Some publics are shocked by price fixing practices in big business. Writers bemoan the slavish adherence to conformity of the "Organization Man" and the crass materialistic values of the "Status Seekers." Our last two national governments have been caught in scandal and deception at the highest level of government. Magazine writers tell of the scandal in Laotian foreign aid and news disseminators cite the big lies of Castro’s Cubans, atheism and lack of civility in Russian leaders and predatory operations of Red China as signs of moral depravity. These and other behaviors are denoted as signs of rampant immorality and unethical behavior in our people, our country, and our world.

One could easily agree that the behaviors are unethical and immoral if his views are determined by the fears and premises of those who so see the behavior. But before one agrees, some serious questions might be asked. Should we accept inferences which may be drawn from a narrow perceptual field of view constricted by limited premises and narrowed by fear? Is it possible that those who conclude the actions are immoral, perhaps are blinded by illusions of the past, fear of the present and terrifying visions of the future? Is it possible that their vision is so constricted by anxiety that they must conclude that man’s depravity is showing through in this apparent breakdown of his moral fiber? Are their minds clouded by a conception of man which may be false? Is it possible that the minds of many may be clouded, and is it possible that one should question the conclusion that such behavior signifies either man’s depravity or the breakdown of a solid and sound ethical system which previously existed?

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