From the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
William R. Lee                                                            - presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes -                                                             February 2002
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence, Washington School of Psychiatry, October, 1971


           You’ve got a human being who isn’t afraid. Now . . . we wouldn’t deny, would we, that the fear element has a chemical factor in it? So . . . if we move the chemical out of the brain – get it out of there – and what have you got left? This is what I am saying and it suggests that these basic rules hold all the way through the systems.


            Now, in the H-U level – what evidence do I have here? Well, I’ve got one piece of evidence I can’t run away from. The electrical resistance of the skin changes significantly from any other level. Now, I just can’t deny this. The H-U person has incredibly different skin resistance. (Question: How much did it change?) – Oh, my God, it becomes so high you can’t hardly get it. I’m talking about something that is 2-3-4 standard deviations. This thing has really jumped. The electrical resistance of the skin goes up incredibly. Now, what do I find behaviorally in these people?


            I find what many people are attempting to achieve through psychotomimetic type drugs. I find that the H-U person can turn off other levels of consciousness at will. He can go out of this world and go off into other levels of consciousness and come back at will. Instrumentally you have that, and I’d say . . . well now, if you have that change in the electrical resistance I think there are going to be some other physiological things that are going to turn up with time. . . and I think that some of them are going to be chemical.


Question - statement  The main thing here is this: the system that causes the individual to go from the other levels enables him to change his chemistry and that the actual cause of the changing from one level to the other levels is not just the chemical change. Maybe it is some system of change that we are not even aware of. And the individual at the upper level can control his chemistry at will. Yogas have learned to control their heartbeat or the output of certain endocrine drugs. . . changing their chemistry through some type of conscious will.


Dr. Graves  Concerning these ideas, you and I can’t sit here today and talk the rest of the day and get anywhere with this one . . . because I’m saying that when the H problems come to be . . . there will be something unique about them that we’ve never run into before. And I don’t think I have any evidence through the first seven systems that would say to me that the behavior differences in the eighth system would be that the system falls apart . . . .that is, that the chemical siphons out. I think that something new comes into the system rather than something goes out of the system. I don’t know what that will be. This is one of the things I’ve run into. All that one can say, if there is any such thing to this point of view, is that new systems will appear. They will follow this family of systems idea that I’ve laid down - and – there will always be something unique. Something new will appear in the systems that no one ever thought would be before.


Question  You once talked about the concept of – off – instead of turning on – there can be a regressing from level to level, something that is turning – off. Is that still involved?


Dr. Graves   As I said, I had trouble conceptualizing the switching business all along. The best evidence seems to be, at the present time, that we might use a Christmas tree as a vehicle for visualizing as you would have strings of lights in a ladder-like form on this Christmas tree. You have the capacity to control the amount of illumination being let out by the lights. So when man is in the A-N stage of affairs, the lowest chain of lights is very bright and the others are all very dim. Now let me move to the O system. Something comes in that dampens out the N system and reduces it to a state of dimness less than the P, Q and R – and O becomes the bright one. And . . . when the P system comes on it is the brightest and Q-R-S-T systems are still dimmer. That is, something is dampening out as a higher system comes on and the lower level system is subordinated. At one time, I did say, and I retract that now since the data did not support it, data from studies of other people, that it was a switching on and off process. It is not a switching on-off process. It is an increasing of intensity of operation and a decreasing intensity of operation.


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