From the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
William R. Lee                                                            - presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes -                                                             February 2002
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence, Washington School of Psychiatry, October, 1971


Statement by a participant  Some years ago there was a report on anxiety neurosis and the basic concept was that tension caused the endocrines to produce more than they should of produced of certain substances, and if you relax the tension these substances would decrease and the anxiety would disappear. By using relaxation techniques that work the endocrines change and the anxiety is gone.


Dr. Graves:   I think Skinner’s work brought a great deal of this together. His paper - Brain Neural-Ultra-Hemostat or something like that . . . brings that kind of information together and shows many of the behavioral changes that move in and out as chemistry of the individual does change. Notice what I am saying here . . . and this is the thing that is important to me.


            - It doesn’t matter whether you go at this from the structural level and try to explain things in the beginning.

            - It doesn’t matter whether you go at it from a chemical level and try to explain things from the beginning.

            - Or whether you go at it from the behavioral level . . . what you are going to find is . . .


            (a) If you start off and try to explain it structurally - you are going to be left with some gaps over here that you can’t handle until you’ve handled it both chemically and behaviorally.


            (b) If you start off chemically and try to explain it all . . . you can’t get to first base because you’ll be left with some gaps over here that you can’t handle until you deal with the structural and behavioral.


            (c) And if you start off behaviorally you are going to end up with some gaps you can’t handle until you deal with the structural and chemical aspects.


So . . . it isn’t one or the other . . . It is a system. They are all there. And within my point of view you can see that a system of behavior is roughly akin to the concept of absolute zero and absolute vacuum in physics. It is something that is never achieved but it is that from which the human being varies. And so, I am saying in theory there is a very tight relationship between structure, chemistry and behavior. If you had pure conditions and this structure with this chemistry – then you’d get this behavior. If you had this behavior then you would get this chemistry and structure. This is in theory but we recognize that in reality the pure conditions and ideal states of theory don’t necessarily exist.


Question  I am wondering if that whole concept of change in biochemistry only takes place going from certain level to certain levels? The lowest levels of biochemistry changes are the ones that cause an increase in levels and at a certain point it is no longer biochemistry.


Dr. Graves  Let’s use my hypothesized explanation of the differences between the G-T level and the other levels and what instrumental evidence that I have so far for the H-U level as a means of test. What I find explains best to me the reason that the people in the G-T level behave so much better quantitatively and qualitatively, time-wise, etc., is this:


- They simply are not afraid . . . . . . . 


- they are not afraid of not find food  - (A-N) 

- they are not afraid that they’re not going to have shelter  - (B-O)

- they are not afraid of predatory man  - (C-P)

- they are not afraid of God  - (D-Q)

- they are not afraid of not having status or not making it on their own in this world - (E-R)

- they are not afraid of social rejection  - (F-S)


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