From the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
William R. Lee                                                            - presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes -                                                             February 2002
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence, Washington School of Psychiatry, October, 1971


            We are conceptualizing human personality in a form quite different from anything we have conceived before. I had, first of all, to choose a beginning point for conceptualization and I started with this factor of the cyclic dimension that had shown up. This said to me, (to go back over this diagram {1st graph} to make a point and to explain what I mean) that in some manner or another the deny-sacrifice and the express self shifted back and forth. When one system dimmed, the other system brightened.


            Let me take one step backward there or this will not be meaningful. One of the studies which I conducted along the way was a rough study of the relation of the regular general socio-economic data of the person choosing a conception of healthy personality. In general I found that the lower socio-economic status of the individual the more his conception of healthy personality tended to be low in the hierarchy of conceptions that I had set up from this research.


            So it looked as if a person’s conception of healthy personality and then generalizing that from a miniature system of personality to a system of personality, was a function of his having experienced the solution of certain problems that the human being runs into when he tries to stay alive. The lower the conception of healthy personality, in the hierarchy we’ve established, the closer to being vital were the problems that the human being was confronted with.


            Now, with that and the other data, I had to begin to try to conceptualize. I chose as a beginning this cyclic factor and I said that data say that there are two major components in personality which change with time but they have the character that they spurt and then plateau for a period of time. Then they spurt and then plateau again. I couldn’t account for the cyclic factor in the data in any other way. The data indicate that some people are attempting to make this world fit them . . . and some people are trying to fit themselves to the world – that is, express self and deny/sacrifice self categories. So I said; “In my mind, personality develops by periods of spurts and plateaus of certain basic components in the brain.”  And so this is a depiction in part of that. It depicts the spurting and the plateauing which accounts for the cyclic factor in the data.

(see Figure 1.)


            The solid line accounts for the fact that some of the systems are adjustive systems and some of the systems are expressive. When the dotted line is in a state of ascendancy this indicates an expressive system. So 1 – 3 – 5 – 7 are a family of self-expressive systems. Now, if you are with me you will see something here in a moment if you know Maslow. The 2-4-6-8 and I hypothesize in the future 10-12-14 systems are adjustive systems. The person is trying to adjust to the world as he finds it rather than trying to change it. He’s trying to get along with it and to belong to it. - - - - Now . . . let’s look at what Maslow said. You should know that Maslow came around to my point of view. If you look at some of his later writings you will see that he accepted both the cyclic idea that there are more than one kind of expressive system and more than one kind of belonging system . . .and that the system is open ended.


            We finally, after fighting this over for eight or more years, came to a final agreement along this line. So we are representing here, you see, that in my data it said that there are systems that respond change-wise to outside authority. My data said the deny/sacrifice self to get reward later category responded to authority in the fullest meaning of the word: higher authority. My data also said that the sixth system, the deny/sacrifice self to get now category responded to peer authority. So they are alike, all in the same family. They have even numbers because they both change under the influence of authority.


            This we will see subsequently. This is quite important, for example, in what evidence I have psychotherapeutically in respect to many involved in the drug problem. This is not entirely so but many who are involved in the drug problem appear to be in difficulty making the transition from the fifth system (express self as self desires in a rational/calculating way but not so much that others turn on you). This data says that if you are going to help them to make the transition from the fifth system to the sixth system it is only peer authority that can be effective in bringing about this transition. If you use any other kind of approach you will be in trouble.                      


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