From the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
William R. Lee                                                            - presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes -                                                             February 2002
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence, Washington School of Psychiatry, October, 1971

IX. The Basic Data Produced at this Date as a Result of the Design was:


1.   A phenomenal view of certain beliefs of the subjects - - -

- - beliefs as to the nature of psychologically healthy behavior.


2.   Reactions of the subjects to peer criticism as shown in the defense or modification of the conception they produced.


3.   Interaction and reaction of subjects when under peer criticism as observed unbeknown to subjects through one way mirrors and an inter-communication system.


4.   Relation to confrontation with authority as shown in the second

conception defense or modification.


5.   Some interview data from discussions with randomly selected subjects after their primary experiences related to the development of and two rewrites of their original conception. I just sat down and talked to them about the changes that they had made; as to why they changed their conception. This was in order to recheck the basic data.


- At this point I had three different sets of data.


            1) The very basic data – the original conceptions.

            2) The modification and defense under peer pressure.

            3) The modification and defense under influence of authority.


X. Processing of the Data: Independent judges classified conceptions:


           I took the original conceptions and got a group of people who were entirely independent of the study. I handed them the original conceptions and gave them a very simple instruction:

           “Classify these papers, if you can, in any way.” . . . and that is all I said.


            I used different judges – each year – for all the years of the collecting of the data. Each group of judges classified all the data that I had collected up to and including the year in which they were classifying. This was an accumulating process. In the first run through the data, the first year, the judges came up with two major classifications of healthy personality, (2) categories with two (2) subtypes each. They said over 60% of the original material could be classified into - either health is denying or sacrificing the self – or health is expressing the self. There were these two.


This turns out to repeat itself without question in each of the subsequent years of the investigation. In each of the following years of classifying the data the next group of judges came up with the same classification. At no time did any of the judges know anything about the classification that other judges had made in the past years. Yet, every classification processed came up with basically the same pattern, either a deny/sacrifice self or express self categories.


            I knew at this point that the research that I was conducting was producing something meaningful . . . . was going somewhere . . . . but where it was taking me was still a mystery.


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