From the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
William R. Lee                                                            - presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes -                                                             February 2002
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence, Washington School of Psychiatry, October, 1971


Dr. Graves:    If the person is considerably above then they can do this over the short run of time. Now, this is an incredibly complicated thing when you get into the status of it. In a childlike manner, the individual progresses through the first six systems in the first year. So, it isn’t such a long period of time before the mother can’t stay with him. If it is too long a period of time, it begins to be a difficulty and what I said before has to come into the picture.


Question:   I wondered about this difficulty with going back to earlier systems as a helper. It seems to me that therapy often involves going back to earlier systems – unless you are saying that a therapist can only help people in his own category whatever that is.


Dr. Graves:   As soon as we come to therapy you are asking yourself, first of all, out of what system does the disorder behavior emerge? When one finds out the system of which the particular disorder behavior – it may be just a single or it may be more – emerges then the question is what kind of therapy is appropriate there. Now, if the therapist in his psychology or her psychology operates at a level higher than the system that is emerging he can work with him. But if he is too high above he doesn’t like to do it, and is apt to do it ineffectively. Now, I’m not talking here about anything anyone doesn’t know or can’t find in the literature. Who were Freud’s subjects? Who were Icorn’s subjects? Icorn worked with a human being that Freud couldn’t stand. Who is Paul Fredder do therapy with? Paul Fredder working in a Freudian group in Vienna did his therapy with those patients that he observed to become psychotic under Freud’s teaching. The patients got worse. Icorn chose his group of humanity. Freud chose his and Fredder chose his. It is notorious that Jung preferred to work only with affluent upper class people who had made it in this world. Alder has his preferences. And this is all well documented in the literature. Plenty of studies have been done on this - that various therapists selected their subjects.


Question:    You couldn’t be B.F. Skinner using Rogerian methods?


Dr. Graves:    Skinner selected his subjects. . . hungry pigeons and hungry rats.


Question:    I wonder if you might also explain that by a kind of inflexibility on the part of each of these people partly about not be aware of the need using this particular approach. 


Dr. Graves:    This is not in your good therapists. Anyone who knows Freudian theory knows that it went through a number of revisions. He knows also that Freud appeared to be quite inflexible and all you have to do is to read the way he took off on Adler in Psychopathology in Everyday Life when Adler didn’t go along with him and how he cut him up into a million little pieces. He was extremely inflexible at that time. Freud was a tremendous scientist and when the data piled up the man said; “By God, I’ve got to switch” and he did. All the good therapists have done this . . . change when the data changed. Adler started out, if you want to understand Adler you’ve got to read Timewise(sp?) because early Adlerian theory is not later Adlerian theory. But at the same time the people he was studying were different at the early versus later periods of his life. So it is not that they were necessarily inflexible.


            Freud chose people who were confluent with his level of human existence. And . . .if you know the E-R level you know that one of the primary characteristics of a person attempting to come fully into the E-R level is to be stubborn as hell about changing his mind and then suddenly he’ll flip-flop. 


            This is very congruent with the kind of patient Freud really had to work with, namely. the people struggling to get out from under the dominant mother, mama. Maskin documents this magnificently in the literature.


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