From the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
William R. Lee                                                            - presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes -                                                             February 2002
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence, Washington School of Psychiatry, October, 1971


Dr. Graves:     I can’t say anything about a person on the basis of his being a drug user. I’d want to know what the central level of operation was of this particular the drug user. And once knowing that could say that his center of operation is here I am going to use these methods and if he is here I am going to use other methods. Just as I said here, you can commit suicide for many different reasons. You can take drugs for many different reasons. 


            My data says that the first question you have to ask yourself after all is whether or not the subject you are working with is open or closed.


If the subject is closed - then the teacher or the supervisor or the trainer or the coach or whatever, should be at the same level as the subject, as the person.


If the subject is open – then the teacher, supervisor, trainer, coach should be one level in advance of that person.


          So, we feel, those who are working on this at this time, that the biggest problem in application at the present time is really being able to come up with a differentiation between closure and not-closure and the degree. This is a very important thing. 


If you could do that then the evidence that the closed works well with a person who thinks the same way is very clear.


If the person is closed then it is preferable that the person working with him should be closed also. 


The evidence that the open works well with the person who is one step ahead of him is very clear.


Question:   Does this follow through with any helping relationship be it a teacher or a therapist? Can a person utilize his knowledge knowing how the levels operate?


Dr. Graves:   If he is operating at a higher level than the person, he can do this but he will not prefer to do this, and I don’t recommend it over a long period of time. A person who is operating at the C-P level will know what he has to do in order to operate with a person who is at the D-Q level in an open state of affairs and trying to move. But it will gnaw at the guts of the person who is centralized at the G-T level to have to do this over and over any period of time. So, if you’re in a school, in a clinic, in an organization and you have this man operating at, centralized at the G-T level, and you know that the group of students, patients or employees need to be managed in the D-Q fashion then you’d better go out and hire someone who fits and operates in that manner.


Question:    From your own data, do you have any information, any kind of a curve that states what percentage of any population is located at each level?


Dr. Graves:    I have no data other than this. In the beginning of my studies in 1952, at the bottom of the scale I had about 34% of my production coming out of D-Q level, and I had somewhere from 6 to 10% of my production coming out at the G-T level and that that has now reversed itself in the college situation.


Question:    Are you using the same criteria now or has your theory evolved to the point that are you measuring different characteristics?


Dr. Graves:    No, there is no change here. All I’m talking about is if I take a group of people today and have them write their conceptions of healthy personality, how would they be classified at the present time and how many would be classify themselves as deny-self and how many would classify themselves as express-self. That’s all I’m saying here.


            Now, in the last run through that I made, I had 35% of the conceptions who had a G-T flavor and only about 9% at the D-Q level. In other words, the D-Q way of life is almost gone in this society. That is what I would say.  


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