From the Historical Collection of the work of Dr. Clare W. Graves
William R. Lee                                                            - presentations, papers, recorded transcripts, notes -                                                             February 2002
Seminar on Levels of Human Existence, Washington School of Psychiatry, October, 1971


XIX. Dictation for Conceptualization as Systems:


            The decision to conceptualize the systems as derived from these two components was not made capriciously. It was made because my data required that the systems be so represented.


a.       Conceptualize adult behavior so as to allow for no variation in certain psychological dimensions, such as intelligence and temperament. So personality must be represented in such a way that certain dimensions do not change over systems of behavior.


b.      Conceptualize adult behavior so as to allow for quantitative variation in some dimensions. Authoritarianism and dogmatism are dimensions that vary in a quantitative fashion – both in a decreasing quantitative fashion . . .  more authoritarianism down below and decreasing up above.


c.       Conceptualize adult behavior in an alternating wave like fashion, allowing for a repetition of theme as seen in the change and organizational data . . . the different ways that people in different systems organized to do work.


d.      Conceptualize adult behavior so that every other system is similar to but at the same time different from its alternative; the change data.


e.       Conceptualize adult behavior so that each system has its system specificness, so that each system has a quality all its own; the interaction data.


f.        Conceptualize adult behavior so that certain systems are more externally oriented and so that other systems are more internally oriented; the deny/sacrifice self, and the express self data.


g.       Conceptualize adult behavior so as to show increased degrees of behavioral freedom in each successive system, particularly in the express self not at the expense of others system; the freedom to behave and problem solving data.


            Are you wondering where this last conceptualization about the express self but not at the expense of others came from? I haven’t talked about it yet. I conducted a series of studies for about three to four years in which I took a close look at the deny self and the express self systems in terms of their problem solving behavior. The students were presented with some open-ended problems. I observed how they organized to solve these open-ended problems. There were many possible answers to these problems and every answer is not the same.


            I had the opportunity to count how many solutions each system arrived at; what was the average time it took the group to arrive at an answer/solution; what was the quality of the solution; how did they organize . . . in order to come by the solutions? The thing that hit me, that stopped me cold for awhile because I just didn’t know what to do with it . . . was this:


            The express self but not at the expense of others found more solutions than all the others put together. The average period of time required to arrive at a solution was much shorter than the other groups. The quality of the solutions arrived at was better than the other groups. This system was very, very different . . . . . incredibly different.


            Obviously, I jumped to the wrong conclusion as was later proven by the psychometric tests. I just thought, well, all this is just a hierarchy of who is brighter and who is dumber. That is the obvious conclusion that I jumped to.


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